Professional quality instruction in all dance genres
Acting Classes & Private Coaching
Learn to integrate all aspects of an actor’s skill-set for dynamic and effective performances.
Experiential anatomy classes are taught with a basis in Pilates, yoga, and cranial sacral therapy.
Body Conditioning
Build strength, flexibility, core awareness, and power by training your body and mind.
Classical Ballet
The foundation of the Academy's training is rooted in its internationally recognized Ballet Programs.
Encompass unconventional movement and seek innovation through technical training.
Contemporary Ballet
Incorporate classical ballet technique with greater range of movements to be more free.
Hip Hop
Learn all the latest moves such as popping and locking, tutting, crumping, breakin’ and street styles!
Jazz is a constantly evolving form of popular and artistic dance movement danced to up-tempo music.
Lyrical is a continuous, gentle and flowing dance form that smoothly blends technical movements.
Dancers explore the expanded use of torso and greater emphasis on the use of floor work.
Musical Theatre
Dancers receive dynamic training to become triple threats of dance, voice and acting.
Pilates Classes & Private Sessions
Dancers develop self-awareness, build strength, and learn injury prevention techniques.
Let your feet do the talking! Tap creates elaborate rhythms and joyful music.
Vocal Private Coaching
Learn vocal technique, pedagogy, ear training, repertoire selection, breathing and performance practice.